Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Fourth Chakra

Gently move your attention
to the fourth chakra 
in the area of your heart
this is the anahata chakra
the place of openness 

As you gently focus your awareness
in this area
breathe in the nourishing color green

This chakra relates to the sense of touch
and the ability to give and receive
unconditional love

As you breathe in the color green
release any feelings of isolation
or unworthiness

Feel the breath of life 
flowing into your heart
gently dissolving your pain
and your suffering

The heart chakra 
is the seed to emotional consciousness

When open and flowing freely
your life is filled with love
and laughter

The fourth chakra governs the lungs
and heart

Opening and balancing this chakra
allows you to let go of fear
and hostility

All relationships
are mirrors to ourselves
practicing acceptance and sensitivity
and allow your heart to open to joy
and bliss

The sound of the heart chakra is

Breathe in and silently repeat the montra 

From Chakra Balancing: Mind, Body & Soul
Deepak Chopra (2004)

Yesterday, I decided to train at the Ft. Hamilton High School track.  It is actually a New York City park, which is open to the public when school is not in session.  Initially, I was incredibly bored by the work out.  It seemed like the equivalent of being on a treadmill, with the exception of the fact that I was outside.  Negative images of job B plagued my head for my first kilometer: the belittlers and public humiliators who are my managers, the bullies I call my co-workers.  There is no reason for these people to occupy my existence when I'm outside the building I call job B, certainly not when I'm out there.  Training time is my time.  But the thoughts organically drifted away, I picked up my pace, and completed my 5K in a total trance.  I felt high.  It was lovely.

During my walk back to my apartment, I was treated to the above passage by my "Cool Down" playlist.  I'm comforted that my heart will be open the next day that I return to job B.

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