Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fire Away

You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium!
--David Guetta, featuring Sia

A Little Bit Sore

As predicted, I'm a little bit sore but I'm ready to race.  I ate my oatmeal and veggies a short while ago.  I'm drinking my rather powerful Home Brew iced tea.  And after a brief consultation with Aunt Roz, I am wearing my standard Bali minimizer underneath my Moving Comfort sports bra.  I'll head up to Prospect Park at about ten o'clock.  The 5K begins at 11:15, and there will be fireworks at midnight.

Twelve hours later, TOMORROW, I will be in Westfield, New Jersey.  I'm doing the Hang Over 5K. If you're in the area, come and watch me cross the finish line, which threatened to be taken from me be a few days ago.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Stay strong and healthy.  And of course . . . rock on!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Biopsy THIS!

I have been cleared to (YES!) power walk BOTH RACES tomorrow and Wednesday, provided I wear a really good sports bra.  The doctor though my idea of wearing two sports bras were an even better idea.  What an incredible way to end 2013, and then start the new year, with my Girls double belted close to my chest.

I might be a little sore, but I'm IN.  I'M TOTALLY IN.

Just please make sure you wear a really good sports bra.

Doc.  Would you look at these.  My only choice is to wear really good sports bras.

Of course she and the tech laughed.

By the way, since we're on the subject, I swear by Moving Comfort.  They offer the best possible support, yet their materials allow you to move and breathe.  Their work out clothes are super amazing as well.  Check them out . . . especially because many of their products are now manufactured in Israel.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

RE Training, RE Thinking

--5K New Years Eve, Prospect Park
--5K in Westfield, New Jersey, 12 hours later on New Years Day
--Been training for weeks, destroying previous times
--Told by an expert this past week that my body is definitely changing

And now I've been told that I can't run these races.

Oh, you see.  I don't run 5Ks.  I power walk them.

You can't power walk your races next week.  No running.  No heavy lifting.

What if I promise to walk them.  Can I walk them?

Yes.  Walking is fine.  You can walk.

So fuck it, I'm in!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Today my morning post work out weight (AMPWOW) was 128.5.  I have decided I shall continue with recording my weekly weight after exercising.  Unlike most people I know, I work nights.  I wish to be fair to myself in documenting my progress.

In addition, I will work on my selfie photograph skills, as I rock on.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Away From Home

So I gave this vegan thing a true test this past weekend, which involved two challenges: travel, and a bar mitzvah.  But I planned smartly.  Before leaving Brooklyn on Friday, and after that yea good feeling I walked out of my doctor’s office with, I stopped at my neighborhood Foodtown.  They did a rather amazing thing last year in my portly neighborhood of Bay Ridge.  Amid a major remodel, they opened a natural food market on the previously unused second floor.  And I have to say that the shelves are stocked with lots of food items I actually want to buy.  I have even bought my dish soap and laundry detergent there.  I'm kind of a freak about my cleansing products.
I have no idea who this man is, but he's in my Foodown's natural market.

I grabbed a bunch of things I knew would travel well: pita chips, almond butter, vegan dumplingstrail mix.  Then I took the R to the C to the Path to Jersey Transit to Princeton.  I started nibbling on the trail mix waiting for a train on the Newark platform since I hadn't eaten yet.  I know, I know, totally not healthy, but I have been going out of my way to keep myself nourished.  I don't do this very often.
Of course these are my pita chips of choice.
I freakin' love these guys.
I got to the hotel, where I had time enough to change and meet the rest of the out-of-towners.  We were all being taken out by the bar mitzvah family.  I ate one of my 22 bars to prepare for whatever meal was just ahead.  Of course our destination was a seafood restaurant, at which most of the people sitting around my table dined on various forms of shellfish.  Ironic, I know.  Even the bar mitzvah boy had the linguini with clam sauce.  No judgements here at all, especially when you consider the fact that we were slaves unto Pharaoh and now we are free.  I'm sure that Moses himself wouldn't mind if the taste of freedom arrived to his table every now and then in the form of a shrimp cocktail.  I was able to order edemame as an appetizer, followed by an order of sweet potato fries which I dumped onto my house salad.  I drizzled my plate with oil and vinegar and it all tasted really good.

You know, I have to say that I missed having my little piece of cake after Friday night services.  I really did.  That is a tradition I have carried on basically since birth.  But then again, who can really eat just one little piece of cake.  I know that one quickly turns into five, and then what the hell.  Let me wash it down with a cup of Coca High Fructose Corn Sweetener Cola.  Well, since the idea is for shabbos to leave sweetness on your lips, I chose to go with the fresh cut fruit as well.  Remaining strictly vegan is teaching me a lot.  Back at the hotel room, I vibes a few Modern Family episodes, snacking in bed on pita chips and almond butter.

For the life of me, I can't remember what I ate in the hotel room for breakfast.  Perhaps it was nothing again.  Now while I had a shot of kiddush wine after service, I skipped the little piece of challah.  Again, this is tradition, and the sabbath bread of my people, and very delicious.  No, I don't believe having one little piece for ritual sake would make me any less of a vegan.  But I question my ability to have one little piece, especially when my goal here is to prove that I can make myself healthier by ingesting no animal products.  I promised myself that I would investigate the water challah I used to buy in Midwood, and see if it is truly vegan.

Water Challah

I was granted an opportunity to ride the bus from the synagogue to the reception, along with the bar mitzvah boy, his college freshman sister, and their friends.  I used the time wisely, ingesting my vegan dumplings to prepare myself for the meal challenges ahead.

During the cocktail hour some hors d'oeuvres passed me by.  They looked good but didn't tempt me.  I went for the plain, cut up veggies.  At one point a server offered me some mini egg rolls.  I politely declined.  He quickly mentioned "they're vegetarian."  I returned to him that I was a vegan.  He said that he was too, and he eats them.  Look, I'm not in this to judge anyone.  This experiment is about me.  So I was just going to share with my momentary comrade-of-eats that I was more concerned with the wrapper than the interior.  But before I could, he shared a self defeating "I know, I know.  But look at where I work."
THE MEAL . . . I skipped the bread basket since I couldn't read the ingredients.  I was given the obligatory chicken, fish, or beef choices by my Table Server.  I told her that I was a pain in the ass vegan, who didn't eat meat, fish or dairy.  She told me that the vegetarian option was pasta primavera.  So I asked if the pasta was made with eggs or if there was any butter in the sauce.  I have been researching my ingredients.  Not all pastas are made using eggs, but some are.  She said that she would have to check.  I told her that if the primavera was a no go, then to just bring me a plate of cooked vegetables, and perhaps some potatoes if she could find some.  I told her not to worry, and to surprise me with whatever ends up in front of me.

I was later assured by Table Server that the pasta dish contained no dairy.  She placed it in front of me (ahem) with a small cup of grated cheese.  She told me that there was gluten free bread if I wanted.  I tad her that I enjoy wheat but said "no thank you" to her kind gesture.

After the meal, dessert plates were pass around: a scoop of ice cream and a piece of bar mitzvah cake.  It looked really good, too good.  I got a 22 bar from my bag and enjoyed it very much, even though Table Server offered me gluten free cookies.  I briefly gave her my rundown on voluntarily becoming a vegan, wheat intolerance, and fad diets.  We shared a few laughs.  I know how difficult her job can get.

We both totally rocked on.

I watched "Don't Get Sick After June" today as I worked out in my apartment.  The film got me so angry.  Sometimes I don't understand the country in which I was born and raised.  But the powerful final summation gave me hope.  There are indeed other people in America who think like me.

I spent today with my sister and cousin in lower Manhattan.  We stopped at one of my favorite spots, May Wah, a vegetarian market in Chinatown on Hester Street.  I picked up several vegan treats.
Navigating my meal at Wo Hop was a little bit tricky.  I have been visiting this Mott Street gem since the 80s.  To think about putting this place on the moratorium shelf next to my uneaten traditional shabbos challah makes me a bit sad.  I tried my best today, and ordered the Buddha Delight with brown rice.  No, I didn't watch them make it.  I'm not certain what the sauce was made of, and I truly hope the noodles under the veggies were rice and not egg based.  But I'm not a drill sergeant, just a vegan who is trying to maintain good health and train for some races.  It truly was a great plate of food.  Sharing the table with family made it taste even better.
Now check my fortune from today (I swear) and rock on!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I took a slight detour during my training today.  Usually I head up Shore Road, cross under the BQE at Veterans Pier, and head down along the water to the Verrazano Bridge.

Bay Ridge Shore

But today I went in, through and around Owls Head Park.  What a beautiful place.  It's hard to believe that I live in the neighborhood and rarely make this a destination.  I took these pictures two years ago, while I was still living in Crown Heights.  I shall return to take even better photos.  With the trees all bare, the view is magnificent.

Rock on!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Doctor (or) You Tell Me

On Friday, I returned to my doctor at 11am.  As per her office's request, I fasted prior to the visit.  They didn't tell me for how long, so I went with 12 hours.

Now I have to say that although I barely know my new doctor, things have popped up which have affirmed my decision to go with her.  Her waiting room is small, but very busy and active.  It seems to me that a lot of people want to see her, which I think is a good thing.  It took a while, but I was finally called back.

Well instead of going straight back to where they took my blood that last time, she tol me to have a seat in her office.  She said that she would be right in.  "Oh shit," I think to myself  "Something is wrong, really wrong."  I convinced myself that she was collecting brochures for me about treatments.  Or she was speaking to some specialist about me.  I leaned over her desk so I could catch a glimpse of her computer screen.  All I could see was my name and that I was indeed a female.

My new doctor comes in.   She had a tissue in her hand and was holding it close to her nose, which she periodically wiped.  Before she sits down she tell me that I'm doing great and that I'm really healthy.


She said that my bad cholesterol was slightly elevated (178), but my good cholesterol was high enough to compensate (59).  She said that my sugar was slightly elevated (92).  We had a brief conversation about high and low density lipoprotein and she was pleasantly shocked that I knew what they were.  She said that because she knew I ate well and worked out regularly that there was no cause for alarm, yet.  These numbers could be somewhat genetically driven.  She wants to see me in two months.  Since I recently went vegan and I'm training for several upcoming races, we're likely to see a difference.

She also mentioned the fact that though my sugar level was up, it was significantly lower that most of her patients.  She said that it doesn't have to be that way and that most people simply need to make better choices.  She tells them to exercise every day and that ask her if she exercises every day.  To which she responds, "I'm not the one who is obese."

Then I realized that she didn't want to take my blood.  When I asked her about it she said "no, not now.       I just saw you.  In two months."  She asked, "why did they tell you that?"

I shrugged.  "I don't know.  You tell me."

She said, "go home and eat."

But then she asked "you power walk in this weather?  When it's cold?  How do you not catch a cold?"

"I don't know.  You tell me."

We chuckled.

She said "I went out walking last week and look at me.  I caught a cold."

I pledged my allegiance to tea, especially my home brew.  She celebrated my ski hat collection,

Same book.  Same page.  I like that in a doctor.  When is my next appointment?  February 14, Valentines Day.  Nothing but love, Baby.  I promised the receptionist that I would bring her vegan chocolate.

Rock on.

Yes, I'm a power walker but you get the picture, yes?

Sabra Hummus People

Thank you very much Sabra Hummus people.  This is everything I love in a dish.

Olive Tapenade Hummus

Please Stand By

I know that it has been a few days but as a result there's lots to share.  Stand by and stay tuned.  You'll get to hear about my out-of-town bar mitzvah food adventures, mammography experience, med mishap.

Currently reading Thrive Fitness by Brendan Brazier.

Lots more to follow.

Rock on!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Saw this beauty on the R train today.
And then it made me think . . . 

This is what iced tea looks like in my house.  I like to call it my Home Brew.  Funny, I make mine without any sweetener at all.

And yes, I'm calling 311 tomorrow to order my Healthy Eating Packet.  It's available on-line at NYC-311.  But of course, I want to actually place the call and see what my .gov…er has to say.

Rock on!

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Potato Makes Another Appearance

I was at a place tonight called Bareburger.  There are several locations all over the City.  I happened to be in the East Village location doing an open mic.  The food there is excellent.  Even a vegan like me has a choice between burgers, and quite a few other food options.

I was good.  I ordered the Farmers Salad and it was amazing.  Greens, radishes, cucumbers, raw red onions, grape tomatoes, topped with warm diced portabella mushrooms.  I chose the thai peanut sesame ginger dressing.  It was fantastic.

But after I performed, I got really hungry.  And I was surround by people eating all sorts of hot food.  And I couldn't resist.  I ordered the fries.  They were incredible, so delicious.  I don't know why I still feel bad about it.  It was a small side order . . . from Bareburger . . . not Burger King, excuse me, it's BK now I believe.  Well B of K recently came out with their healthier Satisfries.  And I'm sure the Bareburger fries do not contain as many ingredients:

SATISFRIES: Potatoes, vegetable oil (contains one or more of the following oils: canola, soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, corn), tapioca starch modified, contains 2% or less of corn starch-modified, paprika extract (color), rice flour, salt, sodium acid pyrophosphate (to maintain natural color), turmeric extract (color), xantham gum. 
The good news is, contrary to a previous post about potato ingestion, I am indeed still a vegan.  I'm training, working out, and feeling great.  I've used Ambien only once this past week.  And I couldn't tell you the last time I had a headache.

Rock on!

From the beginning, the Plant Power Diet . . . brought me tremendous energy.  I felt lighter.  My energy levels escalated . . . My thinking became clear.  Absent were those lulls I'd felt after meals, those food comas I thought I just had to live with.  And any depression I felt began to subside.  In short, I felt amazing.  My strength and endurance levels increased quickly and my cravings for dairy--even my beloved cheese--slowly dissipated.
I'm not a doctor.  I'm not a nutritionist.  I'm just a guy who started paying really close attention to what he was putting onto his body.  A guy who undertook some study to better understand which foods do what and why.  And a guy who liked the results so much that he started taking on challenges that he'd never even dreamed of before.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Training AND Working Out

I learned this past week that there is a difference between training and working out.  My daily power walks are what I do to prepare for my races.  Working out . . . well . . . that's what I do to keep myself fit and healthy.  But both activities co-exist nicely inside of me and totally compliment each other.

I recently noticed that when I am power walking and I'm pacing really well, I alternate between exerting my lower extremities, and utilizing my upper body strength.  I don't tell myself when to switch.  It seems to happen automatically.  This explains why after a power walk I feel like I've had a major upper body work out, AND the importance of strength training when I'm off road.  I have been doing this with my hand and ankle weights rocking my Wave, and my homemade kettle bell.  It's amazing what you can do with a tote bag, duct tape and a five pound of flour.

Yes, there is indeed a bag of flour in there.

Here are the next five books I have on my electronic "For Later" shelf at the Brooklyn Public Library:

Two Opposing Subway Car Ads

This is one single subway car.  Why do the opposing advertisements disturb me?  I can't put my finger on it.