Thursday, May 15, 2014

Horns, a Prescription, and Gratitude

Lots of fog horns have been vibrating my home today.  It’s rather interesting.  Yea, I live that close to the water.  Why so many container ships?  I'm not sure if the full ones coming in disturb me more than the empty ones departing New York, under the Verrazano.  What do they leave here?  Do we need so much stuff from so many containers from so many container ships?  My life has become the Great Immensity.  Thank you MF for that.



Last night, the real runners showed up.  And they were fast, all of them.  They were all wearing techie marathon and half marathon shirts.  But I moved and I pushed and I was the third to last person to cross the finish line, as I turned in a time of 40:30, while sporting my favorite shirt, which reads “HAIR, THE AMERICAN TRIBAL LOVE-ROCK MUSICAL.”

Before heading out to my race, I had a meltdown over (what else) a financial issue.  It was about something minor and temporary but I lost it over the much bigger picture.  We’re human.  It happens.  I took a klonopin.  I’m not sure why.  It was there.  I’m not sure if or how the klonopin affected my race.

I’m tired today.  I tried heading out to do 4 miles, but it had started to drizzle.  I returned to my apartment where I banged out a 35 minute work out with my hand and wrist weights.  Again, I just know that I’m really tired today.  It could be the klonopin.  It could be the fact that I trained 2.5 miles yesterday morning and then did a 5K at night.

Julie Piatt to husband, Rich Roll, on gratitude and being in touch with and cultivating gratitude:

We are actively co-creating our reality.  So what you can do is, if you find yourself in a negative looping pattern, or you find yourself looping and you’re looking at the lack in any event, situation, circumstance or person, you can make the decision to stop the behavior.

It is in your power to make the shift.  So if you’re doing this as a default, I would say that possibly one thing to consider is that you’ve gotten lazy.  And you’re letting your mind run you.  So, you’re not your mind.  You’re your heart.  And you’re much more than just your brain.  So the brain can experience looping patterns, of thoughts.

It’s like an automatic.  You’re on automatic.  You’re like, “I always do that . . . whenever I get tired, this is what happens.”

Understanding that you have the power to change any situation, in any moment, like in every single moment it’s an opportunity.  It’s a fresh new moment, almost like you’re reborn in every moment.  So you can let go of that story, that program, that “I’m this kind of person” or “I’m always resentful when” or “If I don’t get sleep, then I am like this.”  That is just a story in your head.  And your body is following suit to that.  So you can start to reprogram that.  You can start to put a different lens on it.  And when you see yourself looping, you can make the decision to stop and put a new perspective on it.  So it can be anything from the surrounding circumstances.  

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