Thursday, December 5, 2013

"I'm not going to offer gauzy parables about inspiration and belief.  I'm not going to promise you that if you want to achieve your dream, all you need is faith.  No, I am going to show you -- in concrete terms -- how I transformed myself from the inside out and how you can too.  Whether you're a marathoner or weekend jogger, swimmer or cyclist, young or old, fit or fat, you can do this.  I know because I did it.

The story of my life is going to sound very familiar.  Not in the details . . . but in the desire.  It's the tale of everyone who has ever felt stuck, of anyone who has dreamed of doing more, of being more.

I was stuck like that a few years ago in one of the lowest, hottest spots on the planet.  That's where I'll start my story.  That's where I'll start your story."

--Scott Jurek

Check out Scott Jurek's web site here


  1. Thanks for the link, Karen. I am not a runner but I will still check him out.


  2. Truthfully, neither am I. But the book is quite inspiring, as is hearing directly from a man as to what possesses him to run 100 mile races. Definitely check it out.

  3. And by the way…Scott Jurek is a vegan ultra marathon runner. There are recipes in the book are quite outstanding.
