Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First of all, I cheated twice over the last two days.  Two nights ago, walking from the subway to my apartment, I ate two slices of pizza from Bay Ridge's very own Pizza Wagon.  It's gooood pizza, the kind that my neighborhood is famous for.  Now technically, it's not cheating since I'm beginning my vegan challenge at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve.

But I can tell you, as fabulously down home that Pizza Wagon is, it wasn't worth it.  And you can't lie to your body.

Today there was extra food in the kitchenette at work, leftovers from a meeting.  Feedlotty corporate platters are never a good idea.  But I ate a half of a tomato and mozzarella sandwich on site.  I took home a roasted veggie sandwich, and some salad, and some pasta salad and ate it when I got here.

Oh, that's right, I had to pop a rainbow cookie, and a wedge of a blondie into my mouth as this was going on.  There were so many of them left.  But my body has it's own mind to do what it wishes with the ingredients and calories.

I did, however, create a kasha, chick pea and veggie casserole when I returned home.  How much do I love starting most of my cooking with home made veggie stock.  It tastes fantastic.

Today I started reading "Eat & Run" by Scott Jurek, which he dedicates "To my parents, who first taught me to dig deep, and to all those who taught me to dig deeper."  Scott Jurek is an ultra marathon runner.  His races are always more than 26.2 miles, usually they range between 50 and 100 miles.

I'm 20 pages in and totally hooked.

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