- Here's something interesting, I power walk faster than I run. It's all good, makes no difference to me. I'm just out there to be fit and bad ass.
- There is something I tend to do out there. It's half way between a power walk and a run. It's sort of a moving forward dance. I don't even realize that I'm doing it. That's when I get really into my tunes. I absolutely love it. And it seems to be a real crowd pleaser. I get a lot of cheers and happy faces. Sometimes people laugh. It's all good, makes no difference to me. I'm just out there to be fit and bad ass.
Yea. That's right. I said it. I mean the shirt said it. I just cut and pasted. |
This was the only hat to have survived a massive apartment fire, which was set by my suicidal roommate three years ago. It was given to me at job A, as a closing night present by one of the most amazing actors I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a work space with.
Before |
Weeks after |
In the show, she played a mother, who lost there children to a war. It was on this very war that she earned a living.
When I told mu Run or Dye teammate that I was going to wear this hat during our race. She was shocked. Knowing that it would possibly get destroyed, certainly never look the same way again, knowing who gave it to me, she asked me if I really wanted to wear it.
I didn't even have to think about it. First of all, if the actor knew I was wearing it during a 5K while having dye thrown at me, she would have laughed her ass off first and then joined our team.
I also believe that this hat survived such a dark and smoke eaten period of my life for a reason. Don't ask me what that reason is. I'm not sure.
My people cover their heads, especially when in prayer, to acknowledge that there is something above greater than all of us, greater than all of this. It was a no brainer to do this fun run with courage above me.
For those of you who know, check the parking lot letter above my teammate's head. This picture could have been taken anywhere at the Met Life Stadium. I'm just saying.