Thursday, August 28, 2014


MALSED.  This is a new word I invented.  It means make-a-little-something-every-day.  This way I will be prepared to NOT run by Whole Foods every day, even though it's a lovely place to grab some food.  Here's what I MALSED today:
Potato, tofu, and cheese on a bagel.  The cheese is Go Veggie Vegan Cheddar.  The bagel is  sprouted wheat from  Alvarado Street Bakery.

I took a fresh and local zucchini, shaved it with a peeler, and then sliced the core.  It is in my refrigerator just like that.  It can be tossed into a salad, and I swear to you that if you heat it up with some tomato sauce shaved zucchini takes on the consistency of pasta.
I took a tomato and put it through my Magic Bullet with freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice.  I blended it with an avocado and spices. Now I have a dip/dressing/spread that I made with 5 ingredients.

 Now yesterday I semi cheated with my MALSED, but I'm giving myself a break, since I just invented the term today.  I made an incredible meal for myself by heating up the below products together:
TADA!  Oh so good.

Thrive Forward

I have activated the free membership and started watching some videos.  There is some great stuff in there.  Check it out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Another Case for a Healthy Heart

When I look outside of myself, so much of me exists out there.  Everything that I see helps to define who I am.  The sounds I hear, the things which I touch, help to define me.  My mind comes out through my physical senses.  The world outside of me creates a sense of me that exists in the world.  My constructed ego has the potential to be destructive.  My real nature is my heart.  The real me is inside of me.

I am my heart.  I am guided to the center of my own existence.  My heart guides me to myself.  I allow my mind to flow inward.  Inside is my real self.


Check out the event, which my new body and I just volunteered for.  Woooha mama!

Check Up/Follow Up

  • I had a doctor's appointment this morning, which was simply a check up/follow up.
  • Ironically, I sat in the waiting room listening to this week's Rich Roll podcast, in which he interviews Brendan Brazier.  They discussed how we only go to the doctor when we're sick, not when we're well.
  • My doctor is on vacation.  I was sad to learn that.  Who was I going to meet with?  Dr. LF and I get along so well.  She really understands me.  Cue the covering Dr. B.  She is a "let's sit down and talk" first doctor, just like Dr. LF.  They are both excellent listeners.  I told her my story.  She had blood drawn.  We checked my cholesterol, blood sugar, and for anemia of all things.  I'm sure it's because I said the word "vegan" to her.  She also thought that my good cholesterol should be a bit higher.
  • But she was amazing, truly bad ass since before the invention of reality television.  She recently retired from the military and moved to New York to be an actor.  I would cast her in a second, but we both chuckled at the fact that at least she had that little medical degree to fall back on.
Here you'll see my training progress, based on my "Penguinspiration," John Bingham.  One day I'll figure out how to import a spreadsheet.  For right now, enjoy this screen shot. 
I call these my Vegan Savory Cupcakes.  I've got two warmed bialys, topped with hummus, chickpeas, zucchini and carrot shavings.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Me Too

NYC is my boyfriend. We’re in a long term relationship.--Robin Arzon

Watch a really cool video about the NYC Bridge Runners at:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Leaf

Brooklyn Botanical Garden

The Leaf on my lap is perfect and beautifully discolored.  That which lives on this Leaf is very well fed.

The circle of nature continues life.  This Leaf was once a tiny seed in the sun.  It fluttered in the wind in the Brooklyn canopy after losing its hold on the branch.  The tree which birthed it has now directed its nutrients to other leaves.  The Leaf's hold became weaker until it had to let go.  It fell and floated to the Earth to feed the tree, which gave it life.

I contemplate that perfect balance of sun, wind and water.  The Leaf thrived and lived, then realized its own life in this City.  There are millions of leaves here, balanced and evolving little lives.  They are perfectly circular motions of nature.

I am following exactly the same journey.  I rejoice, knowing that whatever concept of "Heaven" I have, is here now.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Nice Timing

Passed onto me today by Life Is Good via Twitter. #Dowhatyoulike

My Fuel

I interpreted todays shabbat meditation from a lesson by The Meditation Society of Australia.

I gaze gently into the flame.

It is the very basic component of life.  I live in harmony with the flame.  I allow it to keep me warm.  It cleans the slate, and starts anew.  The flame transforms and rejuvenates me, and fuels me to change, evolve and grow.

I see the fire within my heart: my anger, negativity, worries and anxieties.  I purge my mental garbage, which I have allowed to accumulate.  I burn it up, release it, let it go.  I allow it to fuel my determination to change.

I start afresh.  I am determined to not allow my old state of mind to return.  I purify my heart with peace, love and truth.  I rejoice knowing that my possibilities are limitless.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Inner Voice

I concentrate on my heart.  This is my reality.  This is my true nature.  That tiny, little, silent voice inside of me, is the real me.  It tries to prompt me and guide me.  It is my highest reality, my highest self.

I listen very quietly.  I sit in stillness and I hear what my inner voice has to say.  I focus all of my attention on it, and I listen to my heart.  I let everything else go.  This is my own internal infinite voice.  I listen with my heart and soul.  There is stillness and purity.

Welcome Back

Sorry I've been cyber silent the past few days.  I have been sick as hell.  Not true . . . that's being a bit dramatic.  I've had one of those summer colds, and I have allowed myself to spend the last two days at home, mostly in bed, guzzling down tea.  I felt it coming on this past weekend, but I was way too busy to let it out.

I'm about to hit the road for the first time since Saturday.  I am going to start with a solid 25 minute power walk.

This is my finish line photo from the MS 5K on Roosevelt Island, which was this past Saturday. I wear that "Courage" hat during ALL my races. It was the ONLY hat of mine to have survived that horrible apartment fire three and a half years ago. It is still amazing to me which possessions that fire chose to destroy, and what it left behind for us to keep. The initials of the courageous and truly giving actor, who gave it to me as a closing night gift, ironically has the initials MS.

I didn't know who Ashley Kumlien was prior to the race, but now I know both she and her mom to be two of the most courageous people in America. Ashley was a part of the relay team which ran across the country to raise money and awareness for MS. During this 5K, which signified the completion of the 3,100 miles, Ashley pushed her mom in a stroller. Her mother has lived with multiple sclerosis since 1980. 200 yards before the 5K finish line, Ashley helped her mom walk to and across the finish line.

It was a beautiful day.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Belated Shabbos Meditation

My belated Shabbos meditation stems from Arthur Greene's Radical Judaism, which I actually have not read yet.  I sampled an interpretation in the form of a Jewish meditation podcast.

Hashem is an unfolding force of life, and is constantly unfolding as the spirit of life.  My ability to constantly move and change is permanent.  I express Hashem, who leaves behind sparks in everything that exists. 

Selfie taken this past Shabbos, at 7am on the N train,  on my way to the MS 5K on Roosevelt Island.

Thursday, August 14, 2014




I am easily made aware of my throat.  I breathe in the color pale blue.  My center of expression is open.  I am comfortable speaking my truth, and confident of the value of my voice being heard.  I envision communicating my deep wisdom with those in my life.

I am going back to school in January, and 10 weeks later I am going to be a physical trainer.

It Doesn't All Suck

It's been a rough couple of weeks.

I am involved in major direct conflict at one of my gigs.  It's entirely personal, and stems from a place of disloyalty.  And if your goal is to stress me, I wish you well.  But I will not break.

I'm simply trying to cope.  There have been some on site meltdowns.  I try to hide when I feel their approach.  It isn't easy, but I am happy that I began the study and practice of meditation when I did.

Well, my gig problems set off an artistic identity shit storm.  And the dear friend, who I would ordinarily call and discuss internal creative conflicts with, over a plate of pierogis in the East Village, passed away in February.  

I have been feeling cornered and isolated over straight up bullshit.  At the same time, no one can help me.  Only I can help me.

In the face of great stress, we often tell ourselves stories, most of which only have a speck of truth.  This is what I have been doing.

Through it all, I have gotten myself out there to RUN.  Some uncontrollable tears have fallen during my warm ups and cool downs.  I have felt some pretty intense anger towards my situation during my runs.  Yet at some point, all of these ferocious feelings are replaced with a temple to temple smile.  It seems to come out of nowhere.  I just suddenly realize hey, I'm running down Shore Road with a huge smile across my face.

Yesterday, I took a few moments to meditate just outside of one of my gigs.  When I was done, I stretched, really opened up my body.  I gazed out across the world, while I said to a co-worker sitting behind me you know . . . it doesn't all suck.

To which he responded nope, it doesn't.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A $5 Run

  • I spent $5.00 today having a package redirected to the UPS Store around the corner so I could go out and run.  It would have been a second delivery attempt, but I just couldn't give up 30 minutes of 2.02 miles for a replacement cell phone, which may or may not have arrived before 3pm.  I have a 5K on Saturday, and I have built for myself a specific training schedule.  

Lungs full
Lungs empty.

I have the power to control my breathing, and control over my vital life force energy.  I bring more oxygen to my blood and brain.  My mind and body are pure and disciplined.  Every cell in my body benefits from my breath.  All of my organs are properly supplied with oxygen.  My lines of energy are eternal and flow freely.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Inner Knowingness

I have a clear sense of inner knowingness.  I am connected to the quiet voice of my soul.  I can see through the eye of my soul.  I release old patterns that trap me in anxiety, fear and depression.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Water Flows

My water flows and vibrates.  I am centered in my own inner space.  My water flows from a higher source.  It refreshes me.  Above me are boulders.  Prisms are in the air.  I am charged.  I drink the water again.  My hands are awakened by something new, flowers of every color.

I am lovingly being taken care of by the universe.  My roots shine bright red.  I have intense creative power within me.  I have pride in my being.  I am whole and complete.  My emotions have power.  I shine brightly alone, in color.  My heart is filled with gratitude for the unconditional love I receive from the universe.  My heart shines bright green.  I have the power of pure thought.  My super consciousness always has and always will guide me.  I feel healed, whole and cleansed.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dietary Accidents

During the past two weeks, I have had a few dietary accidents:
  • Honey--In the sandwich bread I was served at rehearsal, which was labeled "vegan"
  • Butter milk powder--In potato chips, which were labeled "Kettle Style Avocado Oil Potato Chips."  I ate half the bag, and then read the ingredients.  I tossed the rest
  • Cheese--on a sandwich at rehearsal which was labeled "vegan."  I was half way through my half before I realized.  I tossed the rest.
In all three cases, I should have known.  I should have paid better attention.


It's all okay.  Nothing terrible will happen to me as a result.  I am still totally plant powered.


Okay.  More importantly, here is my meditation for today:

Breathing is life.  My mind and body are disciplined.  My life is rhythmic, and my energy flows freely.  I focus on my breath.  I breathe healthy light and color.  I hear the sound of running water.  I follow the water uphill.  My body is filled with warm and vital light.  What could this gift be?  Is it for me?  I am fully conscious of my body.  I wear a coat of white light.

Friday, August 8, 2014

I Contemplate

The power of the Sabbath restores my soul.  I am simply connected with what is going on in nature.  We come out of the week reading the Torah together.  We transform connected.  The fragrance of the mystical world is magnificent.  I live a contemplative life.  I am connected with what is happening around me, right now, this moment.  I sit in the field and watch.  I am free to be here.  I nurture my soul.  The mountain path leads me to the peak.  I lead a wandering life.  Hinani.  Here I am.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Meditation for Today

I am connected to the earth.  I am a tree and I am fully aware of my roots.  I am the color red.  I am connected to my family.  Water comforts me.  I am a co-creator in my own life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

92nd Street Shore

  • Here's the funny thing about running in Bay Ridge.  Heading either up or down Shore Road, you pass a slew of number streets.  Let's say we're running past 88th, 89th, 90th, 91st.  You can see all the way to the next Avenue, which is Colonial.  But then you get to 92nd, which wiggles and turns so much that you can't see where it's going.  That's me.  I am 92nd Street.  I am surrounded by people who have a direction and know where they're going.  My life twists so much that I can't always see round the corner.
  • I do not eat Cliff or Luna bars because they are not vegan.  But I made an incredible discovery today.  Motion Traxx, produced by Cliff, has a series of FREE work out podcasts on iTunes, filled with music of various styles and beats-per-minute.  I downloaded on of them today, and easily bagged out a 30 minute run with it.  Check them out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Endomondo For July

Last month stats

LIGHTER PURPLE=Fitness Walking

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Vegan Preparedness

  • My schedule, which has been bumper to bumper, has really challenged my vegan preparedness. I'm not going to lie. There has been a lot of take out, and too many trips to Whole Foods, Lifethyme and the Westerly. Trust me, I love all three places, and I encourage you to check each of them out. Living on gab and go food is a bad habit, and can not sustain active living.
  • Now, I ran 8.4 miles this week in four days. I would have preferred to run more. I am, however, in rehearsal for a musical. I have had dance practice twice this week, as well as, learning the dances at home. My body has been in constant motion, and I can totally feel it. I have decided not to chart this time as cross training, nor log it into my Endomondo.
  • I was able to cook today. I had roasted the whole eggplant a few days ago.
I oven roasted potatoes in vegetable broth,
added eggplant and grape tomatoes,

And roasted for a little while longer with a little more broth.


How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. 
-Anne Frank

. . . or yourself.
-Karen's after thought