Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Inspiration Is All Around

A few months ago, I had a conversation with a co-worker at job A.  He is a runner, a true runner.  Within his long list of accomplishments two completed NYC Marathons can be found.  Most importantly, he's the kind of guy I wish to emulate in my pursuit of good health.  I'm not sure if he knows it or not, but he is one of my major inspirations behind my physically sitting at my computer and signing up for these races.  Perhaps this is due to the countless times he scraped me off the floor of job A while I was being fully attacked by the grief monster.

It was during this late fall/early winter conversation that Mr. Inspiration said to me that he joined a gym.  (Gulp.  Really.  Isn't that the equivalent of a homeless person getting Nike to sponsor them to grub for change on the subway?  Okay, maybe not.)  This is a small City chain, with a location close to job A.  Now because it takes up a fraction of the space of most gyms, they're able to charge $20 a month, with no membership fee.  I've actually worked out there in the past, and it truly is a bare bones great gym.

But Inspiration and I, we don't need gyms.  We need a pair of sneaks on our feet, some tunes in our ears, and an open door.  We just need to go.  Inspiration said that he did it last year because once winter hits, he knows that he's not going to train as hard.  And for $20 a month he knows that he is going to work out at least five times a week.

Of course that wasn't going to happen to me.  I LOVE TRAINING.  Getting out there, pushing it to the music, checking my progress at the end of my power walk.  I had just done the Festival of Lights 5K in 19 degrees.  I was planning on being out there all winter.

And then it was winter, I mean really winter.  And then there was a job B, which has me working a truly erratic schedule.

I have raced but I haven't trained.  I want to put on my sneaks, put tunes in my ears, open the door and just get out there every day again.

And I will do so.

Cupid's Chase 5K




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