Friday, November 21, 2014

Stand By Please

My new blog will go live very shortly.

I am serious.

And don't call me shortly.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What Have I Cooked for Me Lately

Last night from Westside Market:

  • Mariner Biscuit Company, Toasted Sesame Seed Crackers - certified vegan, from Hingam, MA
  • Maria's Homemade Kale Guacamole.

So, here's what I have been cooking for myself:

A beautiful pot of brown rice and chickpeas, to which I added peas corn and tomatoes
Oven roasted tempeh and mushrooms, topped with a blend of spinach, garlic, and onions

Oven roasted broccoli and seaweed

I made a mushroom, split pea and buckwheat soup . . .
. . . . to which I added some left over rice and chickpeas . . . 

. . . and enjoyed one of the best soups I've ever made.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sorry Fellas

I'm in love.

It seems unjust, especially since my body is looking fitter than ever.

Here is the location of my infatuation: 

  • Westside Market NYC
  • 84 Third Avenue, corner of 12th Street
  • Open 24 hours
  • And most importantly . . . not Whole Foods, which I still like.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Some Vibes & Rocktober Stats

Organic Avenue.  Cafe Latte.

Bragg.  Liquid Aminos
Soy Boy.  Organic 5 Grain Tempeh.
Tea Pigs.  Yerba Mate, Energy Brew.
Before 3pm for me.

On sale through Tuesday at Whole Foods.

Organic Avenue.  Spiced Pear-Ginger Juice.

headerimgHours tracked

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fall Back

  • I'm currently watching Killer at Large: Why Obesity is America's Greatest Threat.  It is absolutely shocking to me that this movie is six years old.  The audio mix is difficult to sit through in spots, but worth it.  We have to be significantly more discriminate as to who we offer the Capitol Hill keys to.

  • I have slept Ambien free for 9 nights in a row.  My caffeine cut off time is 3pm and I am actually getting tired at night.  I have had headaches pretty much every day, and I consider it to be a small prices as far as detoxing is concerned.  As a result, I did not volunteer for the Marathon this morning.  It was mostly due to poor planning on my part, but there are times that you have to choose your health above all else.  You are all my witnesses.  I shall volunteer 100% in 2015.

 These are "guided sleep meditation" videos from Youtube.  They actually work. 

Below are some vibes and vittles I came across this week.  I'm just passing them on.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


or at least, check out

This past week I tried the output of the Yonanas machine at the Marathon Expo.  It turns fruit into frozen soft serve, which is absolutely incredible.  There is no need to add sugar, or milk.  I am totally going to get myself one.
Visit their web site, and if you're interested in what you see, try to using the following discount codes: RUN40 to pay $40 the Deluxe model, or RUN90 to pay $90 for the Red Elite.

I don't really jingle bells…but I DO run


I'm starting this holiday season by adding another race to my to my short term goal list, while thinking of others at the same time. I am doing a 5K to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation on Saturday, December 6, 2014. If you care to join me, would like to make a small donation, or see a cute video I shot of myself last night, visit my web site at:

Can you believe that it's nearly time to start bundling up for 5Ks?  Me neither.
Photos taken by Amanda Fehring