On Friday, I returned to my doctor at 11am. As per her office's request, I fasted prior to the visit. They didn't tell me for how long, so I went with 12 hours.
Now I have to say that although I barely know my new doctor, things have popped up which have affirmed my decision to go with her. Her waiting room is small, but very busy and active. It seems to me that a lot of people want to see
her, which I think is a good thing. It took a while, but I was finally called back.
Well instead of going straight back to where they took my blood that last time, she tol me to have a seat in her office. She said that she would be right in. "Oh shit," I think to myself "Something is wrong, really wrong." I convinced myself that she was collecting brochures for me about treatments. Or she was speaking to some specialist about me. I leaned over her desk so I could catch a glimpse of her computer screen. All I could see was my name and that I was indeed a female.
My new doctor comes in. She had a tissue in her hand and was holding it close to her nose, which she periodically wiped. Before she sits down she tell me that I'm doing great and that I'm really healthy.
She said that my bad cholesterol was slightly elevated (178), but my good cholesterol was high enough to compensate (59). She said that my sugar was slightly elevated (92). We had a brief conversation about high and low density lipoprotein and she was pleasantly shocked that I knew what they were. She said that because she knew I ate well and worked out regularly that there was no cause for alarm, yet. These numbers could be somewhat genetically driven. She wants to see me in two months. Since I recently went vegan and I'm training for several upcoming races, we're likely to see a difference.
She also mentioned the fact that though my sugar level was up, it was significantly lower that most of her patients. She said that it doesn't have to be that way and that most people simply need to make better choices. She tells them to exercise every day and that ask her if
she exercises every day. To which she responds, "I'm not the one who is obese."
Then I realized that she didn't want to take my blood. When I asked her about it she said "no, not now. I just saw you. In two months." She asked, "why did they tell you that?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. You tell me."
She said, "go home and eat."
But then she asked "you power walk in this weather? When it's cold? How do you not catch a cold?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
We chuckled.
She said "I went out walking last week and look at me. I caught a cold."
I pledged my allegiance to tea, especially my home brew. She celebrated my ski hat collection,
Same book. Same page. I like that in a doctor. When is my next appointment? February 14, Valentines Day. Nothing but love, Baby. I promised the receptionist that I would bring her vegan chocolate.
Rock on.
Yes, I'm a power walker but you get the picture, yes?